Thursday 18 April 2019

A Reminder, An Award, and a Proposal

First, a reminder that Grains and Village Greens' delightful produce will be on sale outside the Pack Horse again this Saturday, 10-12.00p.m. as usual - except Grains can't be physically present. But they've arranged for Village Greens to bring their stock of loaves, croissants, pastries etc (thank you Village Greens!). Although there'll be a good range, volumes might be slightly down on normal so it's doubly sensible to order your bakery products in advance, so you can be sure it's wrapped and ready to pick up. Grains can be contacted on 01457 862346, for such orders.

Second, the afore-mentioned Village Greens are up for an award! They're in the running for the Observer Food Monthly Awards, influenced by popular vote. They've been runners-up in the past (Independent Retailer category). It would be great if, on the back of their unstinting support for the 'pop up' service they offer each Saturday in Hayfield, and the quality of their produce, if a good number of us supported them for this award. Will you? Here's the link. Click on this and then on the 'go to' page which then appears below. Thanks!.

Third, the Hayfield Library Campaign Group has now made a submission to Derbyshire County Council, expressing interest in working with the Council around retention of Hayfield library and development of the facility into a 'community hub'. This is not a bid for community management of the local library service, but is intended to be a constructive, alternative approach to augment the library service and use of the building, requiring partnership with and from the County Council. What DCC makes of the 'expression of interest' is to be seen, but we think it relevant that you be aware of what has been submitted. A copy of the 'Expression Of Interest' is attached, for your information.

We hope you have a thoroughly pleasant and fulfilling Easter.

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