Friday 10 September 2021

 Dear Sustainable Hayfield Supporter

Our AGM, and tha talk by Professor Kevin Anderson, is coming up fast, just a week away, next Thursday, September 16th, starting at 7.30p.m. We hope to see you there!

For your convenience, here's the Zoom link to gain access to the evening.
If you need them, here are the relevant codes: 
Meeting ID: 835 3849 6436
Passcode: 220931
and the poster for the evening: . 

Specific to the AGM, here's the agenda:
and the minutes of the last meeting:
and the treasurer's report/statements of accountstatements of accounts:

Best wishes

The Sustainable Hayfield Team

Thursday 2 September 2021

 Dear Sustainable Hayfield supporter

By this email, we're advising you of our forthcoming AGM and an exciting presentation to follow.

We'll be holding our 2020-21AGM, regulations permitting, on Thursday September 16th, starting at 7.30p.m. It will be accessible by Zoom or Zoom-alike facilities. If the technology allows, we may also be able to have a face-to-face element to proceedings, based at The Royal Hotel. 

Yes, we know….....AGMs aren’t especially exciting or full of drama –which is why we usually aim to complete our business in about 20 minutes, and move on to something with wider appeal, and this year is no exception! We’re delighted to confirm this year’s AGM will be followed by:

                                AN ILLUSTRATED PRESENTATION ON COP26

                                BY PROF KEVIN ANDERSON (Manchester University)

in which Kevin, a world-renowned authority on the climate and ecological emergency facing us all, and an inspiring speaker, will talk about what the science is now saying we need to do to halt climate change, and what we can expect from the UN COP (Conference of the Parties) 26 gathering in Glasgow, in November.

Kevin is Professor of Energy & Climate Change in the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at Manchester University, and is a former Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. An engineer by background, he has published research in Climate Policy, Royal Society journals, Nature and Science. He engages widely across all tiers of government; from reporting on aviation-related emissions to the EU Parliament, advising the Prime Minister's office on Carbon Trading and contributed to the development of the UK's Climate Change Act.

This COP26 gathering is seen by many experts as the ‘last real chance’ for nations to agree on measures to halt the risk of irreversible change which will create mass migrations of displaced peoples, sea leverl rises and inundations, and ever-increasing frequency of extreme weather events.

Kevin has spoken previously in Hayfield, to a ‘sell out’ audience and we expect similar this time around. So keep the date in your diary. We’ll supply more information when we have it.

But one last thing – if you’d like to join our Committee because of your passion and skills around living more responsibly, reply to this email supplying a few details and we’ll be in contact.


Thanks, and regards


Laurie James

for Sustainable Hayfield

We are pleased to announce that our Apple Day will be going ahead on 12th October at Hayfield Primary School again this from 1 - 4.30pm. It ...