Do you remain concerned about the level of smells emanating from Ardern Quarry, drifting over the village. You may not know that the owners of the quarry are seeking to develop the quarry's capacity, involving more extraction and, eventually, more likely infilling with waste, all involving more lorry traffic. Initial responses have not been positive, and the owners are now appealing their right to proceed as they plan. The appeal is being heard in public, starting tomorrow, Tuesday 16th January, 10.00a.m. at St George's Hall, New Mills. It relates to the application CM1/1115/117 'Extraction and removal of mineral reserves'. You can attend to show your interest in the matters under discussion
Our last newsletter mentioned the Candlelit supper being held at St Matthews this Wednesday evening. This was taken from the St Matthews magazine. However, it seems that the nature of the evening has since changed and is much more specific. Claire Crook, local retired GP, will be talking - after the supper - on 'Restoring the heart to health care in Uganda', building on links made between St Matthews' church community with a district in Uganda, and going further. Claire will be looking at approaches being developed to ensure more whole-person health care there. Sounds interesting..... The meeting's open to all, doors open at 7.30p.m. for a 8.00p.m. start, cost is £2 and there'll be a bring and share supper. After Claire's talk, there'll be some live music, so, all in all, a rounded and varied evening!
On Saturday, 20th January, from 10.00a.m., we'll be joining with other volunteers to do some necessary maintenance work on our increasingly successful and bountiful Hayfield Community Orchard. We'll focus on trees on/around the Old School Field on Swallow House Lane. Pruning's a priority and several trees need reducing in height. The Parish Council has bought tree guards that need fitting around the trunks of the trees before strimming of grass resumes. Several trees have also become unstable and need straightening and staking. if you'd like to join us, turn up at the gate on Swallow House Lane. If you haven't pruned before, don't worry, you'll be paired with someone who has. We've a limited supply of secateurs so, if you can, please bring your own: if you can't , we'll sort you out! The following Saturday, we'll be doing the same at the Recreation Ground on Valley Road, also at 10.00a.m., and you'll be doubly welcome!