Saturday 11 April 2015

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Spring Newsletter

In The Spring Newsletter...
  • General Election Hustings
  • From The Chair
  • Great News For Minibus Appeal
  • The Big Picture
  • Library Garden Update
  • On Whales
  • Working On Waste
  • Enterprise In Energy
  • Good News You’ve Missed?
  • School Successes
  • Contact Us
  • Our Committee
  • Upcoming Events

Please click 'here' to download your copy of our spring 2015 newsletter, bringing you up to date with local activities, wider developments and events to come.

There's great news about prospects for funding of a second community minibus, and how you can help. There's also scope to get involved at the Library Garden April 19th. And we'd particularly welcome your attendance (and maybe even your question(s) in advance!) for Hayfield's own General Election Hustings which we're hosting April 29th. But, of course, we welcome seeing you at any activity and your response to invitations extended throughout the newsletter. See you soon, hopefully!

Today, 18th May 2024 saw a very successful first outing for Hayfield and New Mills Repair Shop. With over 20 repairs from chain saws to fra...