Friday 25 January 2019

Winter Newsletter & Home Automation

The winter newsletter from Sustainable Hayfield is now available to download. It's packed, we hope, with items which may interest you. We hope you enjoy! As ever, any feedback is much appreciated.

It's profiled in the newsletter but we'd like to draw to your attention the illustrated talk on 'Home Automation - Just Big Boys' Toys or The Future of Domestic Energy Efficiency?' we've arranged for Tuesday February 5th at The Royal Hotel, starting at 7.30p.m., featuring John Blain, an energy specialist and admitted 'smarthome' enthusiast, who'll be addressing some of the key issues associated with the changing nature of technology in and around the home. It should be an interesting evening with, we suspect, a range of views shared! We hope you can join us.

We are pleased to announce that our Apple Day will be going ahead on 12th October at Hayfield Primary School again this from 1 - 4.30pm. It ...