Friday 26 May 2017

REARRANGED Election Husting - and More!

After the unavoidable cancellation of this week's election husting, we're deighted to confirm this has been rearranged for next Thursday, June 1st, 7.30-9.30p.m. at The Royal Hotel, Hayfield. This is indeed good news.

We're very grateful to the Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates, Ruth George and Charls Lawley, for again agreeing to join us. Again, we're dispappointed - having offered several alternative dates - that the Conservative candidate, Andrew Bingham, has confirmed he is unable to attend any husting in Hayfield. We hope, even now, that might change, but it seems unlikely. But this means there'll be more opportunity to hear from the remaining candidates and to establish their position on key issues.

We hope we'll get a good turnout for the husting and that you'll be among those attending. We'll send further information in due course.

And, coming up this weekend, let's not forget the celebrations taking place in the village. First, tomorrow, and throughout the weekend, are the 120th Anniversary celebrations of the Peak and Northern Footpath Society's erection of the signage to the Snake Path, up Ashop Clough and onto Kinder, meshed with the 85th anniversary of the Kinder Trespass. A feast of activities are on offer at The Royal hotel, with stalls, music and presentations, and with commemorative walks and Jazz in the Cricket Club on Sunday. Full details here:
 And Hayfield Artists are also 'at home' at various venues around the village (The Packhorse, Ashlar on Market Street, and Throstle Farm, Little Hayfield, amongst the county-wide exhibitions of works, all part of Derbyshire Open Arts (long) weekend. Finally, Handmade Hayfield is hosting its regular exhibition of artisan- made-products at The Royal Hotel on Sunday, from 11-5.00p.m. It's all happening!

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Election husting postponed

Following last night's appalling incident in Manchester, and the Prime Minister's announcement of the suspension of general election campaigning until further notice, we have decided to cancel the planned husting at The Royal Hotel. We have notified all the candidates of this.

At some point, we anticipate campaigning will resume and we have asked each of the candidates whether they might be able to attend a rearranged husting, if that can be organised, most likely in the latter part of next week. It is important that voters can meet candidates in such settings and that discussion of some of the key issues informing election of a new government can proceed. We shall of course keep you informed about that.

Our thoughts are with those bereaved and injured, and those working hard to save and repair lives.

Thank you.

Hustings - Wednesday 24th May - Royal Hotel

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Hayfield General Election Hustings, Wednesday 24th May, 8.00p.m., The Royal Hotel

We're delighted to be able to confirm that Sustainable Hayfield will, again, be hosting a General Election hustings in Hayfield a week on Wednesday at The Royal Hotel in the village, starting at 8.00p.m.

The timing of this election has been tight, and the candidates have only just been confirmed. There are just three this time around - Conservative (Andrew Bingham), Labour (Ruth George) and Liberal Democrat (Charles Lawley). Each has been invited to our hustings and, to date, we're delighted to report that two of the candidates have already confirmed their attendance. We very much hope we'll be able have all three candidates join us.

All General Elections are important, but this one comes at a particularly important time for our economy, environment and society. We very much hope you'll be able to join us to hear the candidates' views on the challenges facing us all, their priorities and practical proposals. And we're inviting you to consider what questions you'd like to see them answer! Having just the three candidates this time should mean that we'll be able to consider more questions, which need to be addressed to all three candidates and should be brief and pointed.

If you're going to be present and have a priority question to ask, please send it to me, Laurie James, by next Monday, 22nd May. We'll consider those received and try to ensure that a range of topics are covered. Where we receive very similar questions, we'll obviously choose just one among them, and invite the author of the question to ask it directly on the night. And we hope to have space and time to take more questions on the evening itself. So, if Brexit, education, environment, health, housing, skills and training, tax, trade, transport, welfare or any other area is your particular interest or concern, do please consider framing a clear, accessible, question and get in contact.

We hope very much we'll see you at the 'Hayfield hustings'! Young people are especially welcome. It's a really good opportunity to get the measure of those asking us to entrust them with our votes, or our future support.

We thought we should let you know that Sustainable Hayfield learned from Andrew Bingham, the Conservative candidate, late yesterday, that he has no space in his diary to attend a Hayfield hustings. In fairness to voters, and the other candidates, we have decided to proceed with the hustings, which will now give people expanded scope to hear from, and quiz, the Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates, Ruth George and Charles Lawley. We would, of course, be delighted if Mr Bingham's diary were able to be freed up, but understand if this this cannot be so.

We've been very grateful for those questions already submitted to us, and look forward to receiving more. As a result of Mr Bingham's notification, the format of the hustings will obviously change a little but will now perhaps enable more detailed enquiry of party policies being put before us. It should be a good evening and we look forward to welcoming you there.

Thursday 11 May 2017

An Offer from The Council...

We've reproduced below a press release from High Peak Council which may be of interest to you.

Home composting – have you bin there yet?

We all know that recycling is good for our environment and home composting is just one of the ways we can all reduce the amount of household waste sent to landfill.

It’s International Compost Awareness Week this week (7 – 13 May) and High Peak Borough Council has teamed up with to encourage more people to get involved by offering compost bins at discounted prices.

Recycling and waste officer at the Council, Rebecca Dodd, said: “More than 30% of household waste can be composted and although many people already compost at home we want others to get involved.

“It’s simple to do and once you get started you’ll be surprised at just how much household waste can be recycled – and your efforts will be rewarded with a free supply of high quality compost for your garden.”

Composting bins usually cost £39 but the Council and are offering discounted compost bins from as little as £17.98. There’s also a special ‘buy one get one half price’ offer – so why not join with a neighbour and get a second bin for just £8.99?

Food waste digesters and hot composters are also available allowing you to compost all of your food waste and products are suitable for everyone from seasoned composters to new recruits.

Rebecca added: “This is a great incentive which we hope will encourage more residents to set up their own composting communities and share the rewards.”

For more details visit or call 0844 571 4444.

Notes to editors

The ‘buy one get one half price’ offer is available on selected products and applies when ordering two of the same product. A one-off delivery charge of £5.99 applies.

HPBC Media Release Contact: Carolyn Sanders
Mobile: 07595 270937
Twitter: @HighPeakBC

We are pleased to announce that our Apple Day will be going ahead on 12th October at Hayfield Primary School again this from 1 - 4.30pm. It ...