Have you ever thought of contributing your
skills and passion to being a Parish Councillor? And changing the way we can
support our community by advancing practical ideas to make it a more
sustainable, greener and valued place?
You'll know that elections are coming up soon, including for Hayfield Parish
Council. Currently, there's several vacancies on the Parish Council and it
would be good to have a 'slate' of candidates from whom to choose. As the
lowest tier of public democracy, party politics has little role to play in
Parish Councils, but ideas are always welcome!
The Parish Council meets monthly, and is serviced by a Clerk. Parish Councils
are a good way in which to propose, and get adopted, policies and initiatives
you feel strongly about..Andy Barker, our Parish Clerk, can give you a run down
on what's involved in being a Parish Councillor. He can be contacted at
If you are interested, details about the nomination process are on the High
Peak Council website. It looks complicated, but is pretty straightforward. The
thing some people find confusing is getting details of the two sponsors you
need (their polling district and voter number), but Andy can help with that,
since he's got the information you'll need.
Why not give it a go? Existing Parish Councillors probably felt as you do, if
you've never done anything like this before, but they've managed it
successfully. There's no reason why you shouldn't!. Nominations need to be in
by 4.00p.m. Tuesday, 4th April.
And, if you decide to try your hand, good luck!
The Sustainable Hayfield team