Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Hayfield Community Orchard 2020 – Apple Juice

This year’s apple crop has been very good and as we were unable to hold the Annual Apple Day at the Primary School, where we normally juice the apples to give away, this year we decided to try something different.

The apples that were collected by the village volunteers were taken to High Peak Cider Press in Birch Vale to be cleaned, pressed and turned into pasteurised juice. 87 litres of juice has been produced from this year’s crop. The 1 litre bottles can now be distributed to those in the village who would like one.

We will be setting up outside the Packhorse on Saturday 24th October at 9 am, with the bottles of juice to give away.

The processing and bottling of the juice has resulted in a cost to the Community Orchard of £1.60 a litre. The Parish Council and Sustainable Hayfield have offered to offset this cost this year but donations would be welcome to pay back both for their generosity and support.

Next year we are hoping to put the Community Orchard on to a more commercial basis for the benefit of the community. If you are interested in becoming involved in the Community Orchard Project please contact Councilor Cath Hughes or Derek Clarke.

If you missed the videos that we made to provide you with some of the other elements of Apple day, click here, sit back and enjoy!

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Welcome to Apple Day 2020

For obvious reasons, we've not been able to hold our normal Apple Day this year. So we thought we'd bring you a virtual version, sharing with you some short videos from local people, displaying sustainable talents from bee keeping to preserving, and updating on how we've made best use of our community orchard apples this year. Despite disruption to our lives, the apple harvest has been as good in 2020 as any other year, and our intrepid pickers have been busy picking, sorting, bagging and boxing them...

Some of 2020's apples have gone to Glossop and New Mills Food Banks, and the rest will go to High Peak Cider Press, for juicing/bottling. We hope to share an anticipated 40 litres with the Hayfield community soon. Watch our notices and updates for more information! So, click here, sit back and enjoy! And, if you've a sustainable skill you'd like to share, get in contact with us at and we'll talk videoing you at work!

Thanks for all your support and interest.

Thursday, 8 October 2020

New Mills Fashion Week

People's invention knows no bounds!

Please find below a poster for a series of 5 free online ‘zoom’ events, Mon 12th to Fri 16th October, celebrating New Mills Fashion Week, which brings an alternative look at clothes and fashion, designed to be informative, thought provoking & fun!

It's a delight that such a series of such events should be organised so close to home. It's bound to be stimulating! Hopefully, you can join in whichever of the events appeals to you.

                            Dear Sustainable Hayfield  Member/Supporter      Welcome to your New Year/winter Sustainable Hayfield newsletter...