We're always happy to promote partner organisations' activities. Just consider (some of) the things of interest/on offer over the next seven days...
Wednesday 23rd November, 7.30p.m., Village Hall, illustrated talk on 'Badger Vaccination in Derbyshire'. You may know of the large government-funded badger eradication programme in the south west, recently extended at great cost. This is designed to reduce risk of bovine TB transmission from badgers to cattle. But the science behind this is, at best, contentious. And there's a (more sustainable) alternative: vaccination of this protected species. Derbyshire Wildlife Trust has raised £50,000+ for a 5 year vaccination programme of the county's badgers. Deborah Bailey will tell us of this work, its scientific basis, and progress to date. An important subject, delivered by an expert. £2, inc. drink/biscuits.
Saturday 26th November, 10-1.30p.m., Village Hall, Hayfield WI Souper Xmas Coffee Morning, with soup lunch, scones/jam & cream, cakes & produce, Xmas crafts, stocking fillers, books & plants, £1 parcels(prize every time) and raffle. The legendary food alone is reason enough to visit. Free.
Saturday/Sunday 26/27th November, 11-5.00p.m., Royal Hotel, Handmade Hayfield's Seasonal Sales bash. This year's Xmas offering from the crafty folk of Handmade Hayfield, bringing you individually-crafted items made with 'love'. Artisan wares to adorn you and your home, which often make delightful gifts too! Free.
Saturday/Sunday 26/27th November, 12.00-close, The Pack Horse, Hayfield Artists' Winter Show. The very best of Hayfield's accomplished artists come together with their winter exhibition of works in varied media, for you to savour and prospectively purchase, acquiring a work which will grace your/a loved one's home across the years. Free.
Sunday 27th November, 11.00, The Grouse Inn, Birch Vale, Famous Grouse Fell Race, 2016's final local fell race (5 miles, 1,250ft. of ascent/descent). Turn up and cheer on the stalwart competitors. See http://www.t42.org.uk/hayfield/#races.
Enjoy what you will!
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